Nyera’s trading and investment activities are performed on a commercial basis, and the company is deliberate in entering areas of opportunity that will ensure a sustainable long-term model.

Carbon Capture

Renewable Fuels

Renewable Power

Alternative Fuels

Emissions-free Transport

Nyera has invested in Artemis Technologies as a part a commitment to developing non-fossil fuel solutions to maritime transportation. The investment follows the recent award of a £33 million UK Government innovation grant to the Artemis Technologies-led Belfast Maritime Consortium, which aims to develop zero-emission high-speed ferries.

Artemis Technologies, founded in 2017, is an applied technologies spin-off of the Artemis Racing sailing team, which competed in the 34th and 35th editions of the America’s Cup—the most technologically demanding sailing competition in the world. Artemis Technologies is a purely commercial endeavour that draws on the team’s world-class designers, engineers, and boat builders to develop practical applications for its advancements in speed and efficiency.


Gunvor Targets

35% Reduction in Scope 1 Emissions by 2025

95% Reduction in Scope 2 Emissions by 2025